Whereas we are a Condominium Association of Homeowners, and whereas the Board of Directors has been elected and entrusted with the responsibility of serving the community while preserving and protecting our common interests, this Bill of Rights shall serve as a good faith contract between the members and the Board of Directors.
Website/Electronic Correspondence
- Given the electronic nature of most communication, and given that our community frequently changes management companies, the community must have its own website which is completely independent from the current management company. A simple format, where governing documents, minutes and financial documents are available at all times to members. The site should also house a community calendar, message board and similar items. A website committee will oversee the development and maintenance of the site, in conjunction with a professional webmaster/ web developer.
- An email list of all members who wish to receive the documents as described in this document will be established and those members will receive Board documents via email as described herein.
Board Meeting Notices
- Notify members of upcoming meetingsin advance by email*, by post at the mailboxes, robocall, and our own website (pending), with a reminder notice sent one day prior. Also: post meetings on a calendar on our own website.
- Prior to the Board meeting, make available at the website, clubhouse and by email, a copy of the minutes scheduled for approval by the Board.
- Keep a permanent copy in a notebook in the office, available for review upon request. (Collect and store as far back as possible.)
- The minutes should be dated and list all Board members present.
Audio Visual
- Our A/V system is an integral part of the meeting. A Board member or other person should run the Zoom or all of the a/v. Periodically, Zoom and clubhouse participants should be checked on, to be sure everyone can hear. Make sure speakers identify themselves and their space numbers. One camera should be pointed at the Board and one at the audience, so Zoom participants know who is speaking.
Members’ Questions for the Board
- Provide meeting agendas on the website, by email to members*, at the clubhouse, and with a permanent copy in the office (3 days prior).
- Members may submit questions to the Board prior to the meeting using a variety of formats. The Board is encouraged to respond publicly if the community will benefit from such discourse.
- Members’ questions and comments will be treated as such (as coming from an owner with a financial interest in the community) and members will not be retaliated against for their inquiries.
Financial Statements
- Provide by the 15th of every month (for the prior month): financial statements, general ledger, P&L, balance sheet, bank statements and investment statements. Check ledgers and images of canceled checks should also be made available. These documents will be located at the office, in a three-ring binder for community review during regular business hours. They will simultaneously be posted on the community website.
- Collect financial statements for prior years (at least 3 years) and make them available for review at the office and on the community website.
- The monthly treasurer’s report is limited to 15 minutes, to disclose the prior month’s cash flow analysis without lengthy commentary. No financial details should be discussed if documentation has not been distributed to community members prior to the meeting (or made available to all: via email, on the website and at the office).
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
- To minimize any conflict of interest, Board members should disclose if they are personally or peripherally benefiting from any insider information that they are privileged to during and after their term. Board members serve at the pleasure of the community and are responsible only to the community.
Information Please
- Board Members and Committee presenters should be thorough but offer presentations that last no more than 15 minutes. Details should include costs, vendor selection methods and any other pertinent information. Presentations by the Board or Committees will provide timely corresponding documentation including but not limited to financials and handouts that will be available. Handouts will be projected onto the screen, which is helpful for Zoom participants. Presentations should also be uploaded to the community website prior to the meeting and for review by members at any time.
- All materials that will be presented at Open Meetings, including the agenda, will be made available to all homeowners at least three days prior to the meeting. They will be sent by email, posted on the website, and available at the clubhouse.
2K Rule/5K Rule
- Any expenditure approved by the Board exceeding $2,000 will be disclosed to its members at monthly meetings, as part of the financial documentation. In other words, when the Treasurer is reporting (as above), included should be a list of all expenditures from the prior month that exceeded $2000, in descending order. This list will also be uploaded to the website with the monthly financials, and available at the office.
- All expenditures over $5000 must be reviewed by the Best Practices Committee in an open meeting announced at least 4 days in advance.
Committee Reports
- Committee chairs should update the community on their work at every meeting.
Three-Minute Rule/Meeting Process
- The Board allows 3-minute comments from community members who should be encouraged to participate. Board members need not respond to comments or questions immediately, although they may if it makes sense to do so. Otherwise, questions should be responded to at the next meeting. Board members should not “run the clock” and use up the members’ time.
- A Sergeant at Arms or some other individual should ensure that meeting procedures are followed. Speakers should have mics and be identified, etc. If a discussion gets too heated, the Board can call a brief recess to allow rules to be revisited and order re-established.
Board Member Acceptance
- During the election process, candidates are encouraged to endorse or refuse this Bill of Rights. Once seated, Board Members should agree to this Bill of Rights by signing acceptance.
Download the PDF: Community Bill of Rights (draft) PDF